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Transform2Open at the Open-Access-Tage 2024

Transform2Open will be represented with a presentation and a poster at the Open-Access-Tage2024.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you - on site in Cologne or via our other communication channels

1. Development of a standardized publication and cost monitoring system: experiences from the DFG Open Access Publication Costs programme in collaboration with the Transform2Open and openCost projects

In this presentation by Irene Barbers and Philipp Pollack from Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, the development of a standardized publication and cost monitoring system will be presented; perspectives and products from project Transform2Open and project openCost will be reported. 

2. Poster: Information budget: Navigating the path to open access transformation

In their joint poster, Katja Dammanna,b, Lea Maria Fergusonc,d, Marcel Meistringc,d, and Paul Schultze-Motela,d present exchanges of experience on the topic of information budgets as well as various possible framework conditions and building blocks that can be used in the introduction and establishment of information budgets. The poster will be available at the event under the following link: 

aBMBF project; bUB of Universität Bielefeld; cDFG project Transform2Open; dHelmholtz Open Science Office, Helmholtz Association
